Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (2025)

Rose essential oil is a pretty versatile oil that participates in making excellent care products for face, skin, masks, aromatherapy, and even massage.

Such oil has the following properties:

  • Antispasmodic;
  • Detox;
  • Bactericidal.

Rose is known not only for its beautiful buds but also for its sweet aroma. This floral scent has always been associated with romance, femininity and luxury. The rose is one of the first plants from which essential oil was made. Such oil was first obtained in the 10th century in Persia when a method of distillation was found.

Despite the fact that rose oil was invented a long time ago, it has not lost its popularity. Today, rose oil is actively used for making face and skin care products and added to perfumery.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits and potential applications of rose oil, as well as tell you about several beauty recipes that you can make from the rose.

Essential Rose Oil Benefits

Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (1)

Let’s consider in detail some benefits of rose oil. The oil is rich in vitamins A and E, C and F, as well as micronutrients. Rose oil is an excellent moisturizer, tonic and antiseptic.

This oil effectively helps fight stress and relieve tension. If you have insomnia, you can try rose oil aromatherapy. This will help you fall asleep faster, making you calmer.

In addition, oil has a few other properties, such as:

  • Antispasmodic.The oil helps to relieve:
  • Muscle pain;
  • Convulsions;
  • Spasms of the intestines;
  • Migraine;
  • Weakness;
  • Nausea;
  • Problems of the respiratory system.
  • Detox. Some ingredients in the rose oil help to detoxify the body and purify the blood.
  • Bactericidal. Oil from rose petals helps to cope with certain types of bacteria. It can also treat various infectious diseases and wounds if the eyes, skin or ears are inflamed.

7 Ways to Use Rose Oil

There are many ways you can use the essential oil of rose for medical and cosmetic purposes.
We have prepared for you 7 ways to use rose oil. You can use it as a care product for:

  • Hair;
  • Face;
  • Body;
  • Bath;
  • Aromatherapy;
  • Massage oil;
  • Help to strengthen nails.

Let us consider in more detail the areas and methods of using rose oil.

Rose Essential Oil for Hair

Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (2)

Rose oil perfectly nourishes the hair from roots to ends, which strengthens them and gives shine and a healthy look. This is especially helpful for people with hair loss problems. This oil will help strengthen your hair follicles and stop hair loss.

There are several ways you can apply essential rose oil to your hair:

  • Apply oil to hair using just a few drops to be diluted with a teaspoon of carrier oil. The resulting oily consistency should be rubbed into the hair several times a week. As a carrier oil, you can use argan, coconut, olive or almond oil, as well as jojoba and grapeseed oil.
  • Add a few drops of oil to your shampoo bottle and use it as you always do. The result is not long in coming.

Rose Oil for Face

Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (3)

Everyone knows that rose essential oil is used for face care, let's take a closer look at how this happens. Due to the fact that rose oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is a good remedy for acne.

Also, such oil has the following properties:

  • Skin disinfection,
  • Pore ​​cleansing;
  • Fight against acne;
  • Increased the natural glow and radiance of the skin;
  • Reducing the signs of aging and slowing down the effects of free radicals that cause internal damage to skin tissue, leading to wrinkles;
  • Scar treatment.

Ways to use rose essential oil as a facial:

  • Add rose oil to your moisturizer or lotion and keep using it as you did. This will help hydrate and balance the skin.
  • Take two of your favorite oils such as avocado, argan, sweet almond, apricot kernel and jojoba and add 2 drops of rose essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture daily.

Body Care with Rose Essential Oil

Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (4)

Rose essential oil is also good as a care product for skin. Adding a few drops to your shower gel, body oil or scrub is a great addition to your main body wash.

As for your foot care, you can do a foot bath using rose oil.

To do this, you need to add a few drops of diluted oil to the foot bath and soak your feet in it for about 10 minutes. The effect will be amazing.

Rose Oil Bath

Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (5)

Baths with the addition of essential rose oil are especially great as an evening ritual. As you know, rose oil perfectly relaxes, helps fight stress, relax after a hard day's work and cheers you up.

Adding a few drops to your bath will not cost you too much, and the bath will have many therapeutic properties and will help you deal with problems like anxiety, high blood pressure, and even painful periods. Although doctors do not advise taking a bath during menstruation, if your female problems are associated with systemic tension - with the help of relaxing baths you can cope with them.

Before taking a bath, pour 10 drops of oil and 15 drops of jasmine into the water. You will feel the effect of such a bath very quickly!


Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (6)

In fact, rose oil, when combined with bergamot, has a positive effect. Rose essential oil is good for relaxation and stress relief.

To prepare rose and bergamot oil, mix a liter of water, three drops of rose essential oil and five drops of bergamot. This will help you create a calm and relaxed atmosphere in the room.

Massage Oil

Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (7)

Massage helps to cope with a number of health problems. So, massage improves blood circulation, while helping sore muscles and also relieves tension. Using a couple of drops of essential rose oil will help you keep your body in good shape, get rid of joint pain, relieve general tension and improve your mood. Combine massage with aromatherapy and you can achieve an even more amazing effect.

Help to Strengthen Nails

Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (8)

It must be said that rose essential oil goes well with regular cream. To prepare a remedy to strengthen your nails, mix a couple of drops of rose essential oil and your usual hand cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the nails and at their base, the result will not be long in coming.

DIY Beauty Recipes with Rose Essential Oil

There are several other ways to use rose oil. We have prepared a few recipes for you, let's look at them in more detail.


Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (9)

Not all deodorants that you can buy in a cosmetics store have a good composition. They can irritate your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. You can make your own natural deodorant by adding drops of rose essential oil. This spray works well for odors but does not have a negative effect on your skin.

To make a natural deodorant with essential rose oil drops, you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of vodka;
  • 2 tablespoons of distilled water;
  • 2 drops of rose essential oil;
  • 2 drops of jasmine essential oil;
  • 2 drops of orange essence essential oil;
  • A drop of lavender essential oil;
  • Amber glass bottle weighing 2 ounces.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a small dark bottle. A dark bottle will help prevent the degradation of the deodorant.
  2. Shake the bottle of ingredients.

Apply deodorant to your body and wait a few seconds for it to dry.

Here is such a simple way to prepare deodorant that will help you always have a pleasant body odour and at the same time not get irritation and other negative reactions.

Remedy for Stretch Marks and Scars

Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (10)

Take 20 ml of almond oil and 5 ml of wheat germ oil. To the resulting mixture, add 4 drops of plant oils (rose, lavender and neroli). Use this remedy to apply to damaged areas of the skin several times a day.

Remedy for The Effects of Sunburn

Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (11)

If you get a burning sensation after being in the sun for a long time, a natural remedy can help.

To 20 ml of jojoba oil, add 10 drops of lavender oil, 4 drops of chamomile oil and 3 drops of essential rose oil. Apply this remedy to your skin, it will help soothe it.

You can also read our article aboutBeauty Advice for Using Rose Petalsin our blog.

Contraindications to The Use of Rose Oil

In general, there can be only one contraindication to the use of oil - individual intolerance to its components.

But there are a few more recommendations for using oils, such as:

- Do not use pure oils as this can cause burns. Dilute it with a base oil or cream;

- Test on separate areas of the skin, applying the oil to the skin, if there is no discomfort, you can apply it to the body or face.

You should be careful when using oil in the following cases:

- Pregnancy;

- Age under 12 years;

- Hypertension.

How much rose oil to use?

The amount may vary for each skin type:

- Oily skin - 1-2 drops;

- Combination skin - 3-4 drops;

- Dry skin - 5-6 drops.

Bottom Line

Now you know what the benefits of using rose oil are. Using our recipes for the preparation of medical and care products will help you cope with fatigue, tension, pain and cheer yourself up.

By the way, you can buy roses for making cosmetic products according to our recipes on our website.


Can you ingest rose oil?

No, rose essential oil cannot be ingested like many other oils. Especially do not use it for pregnant women, young children and people with stomach diseases. When taking rose oil orally, nausea, indigestion and other unpleasant symptoms may occur.

Can I use rose oil for my face?

Yes, rose oil is useful enough to use as a facial treatment. Rose oil contains high levels of vitamin C and vitamin A, and is rich in oils and proteins that keep skin soft and hydrated. The use of rose oil for the face helps to stimulate optimal cell growth and skin renewal, as well as reduce redness on the face that has been caused by scar tissue and wrinkles.

Does rose oil have side effects?

Usually, during aromatherapy or when applied topically, a person who is not allergic and intolerant to the components of rose essential oil does not experience side effects. However, before using rose oil, it is worth applying it to a small area of skin and checking if there is a negative reaction.

Does rose oil lighten skin?

In fact, rose oil can be used as a skin-lightening agent. It improves skin tone and brightens the complexion. Rose oil also helps reduce acne scars and dark spots. In order to achieve the effect, mix one drop of rose oil and one teaspoon of face cream.

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Rose Essential Oil: Where and How to use? (2025)


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